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Welcome to Team Wall Art

Welcome to Team Wall Art, are you looking for that unique gift, or looking to display your passion for your favourite team in your bar,mancave,bedroom,or outdoors(there aluminium so they won't rust),we have a great selection of unique to us Metal Wall Plaques,featuring all your favourite teams and players,all of our Team Wall art plaques are 30cm x20cm (landscape) or 20cm x 30cm (portrait),All of our Team Wall Art Plaques are bespoke and come HQ printed , all Team Wall Art Plaques come with 4 pre drilled holes for easy mounting, or for the simple option double sided tape is an easy way to display them. UK Delivery for our bespoke wall art is 10 to 15 Working Days,Rest of The World is 15 to 20 working Days.All your payment details are secure with PayPal the worlds leading online payment option,if you don't have a PayPal account that's not a problem, just add your items to cart then click checkout, you can then checkout using your debit/credit card (we only see your delivery details)we hope you start your collection today!
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